Inbal Sorikin, RN, Career Milestones:
Initiation and foundation of a groundbreaking Medical Cannabis program
for the elderly with Tikun Olam; Medical Cannabis company in Hadarim
2011 – An experimental government national treatment course for the instruction of
medical cannabis for patients.
2011 Establishment of patient guidance and care with Tikun Olam Treatment Clinic.
Treating and counseling thousands of patients in Tikun Olam Clinic.
2012- Leading groundbreaking research of Medical Cannabis as a treatment for the
2012- Creating a standard of treatment as head of Tikun Olam treatment center,
providing protocols of treatment and collecting patient data.
2012- Recruiting nurses for medical cannabis treatment clinic: creating Pediatric
program and general counseling standards.
2014- Presenting Tikum Olam research and accumulated patient data of the Medical
Cannabis Treatment Center in the Israeli National Nurses Seminar.