Marijuana for Medical Professionals Conference IV November 4-6, 2022

Call for Papers

Are you a health care professional, researcher, health sciences professor, or cannabis attorney?  Would you like to speak to over 800 of your colleagues?

We are currently accepting papers for review by our accrediting body and our Cannabis Clinicians Colorado panel.

Please submit a title, a short summary on the topic you would like to present, and your CV via email to

We have 3 levels of speakers:

  1. CME / CNE certified – healthcare, research, and legal professionals who do not have a commercial interest in cannabis or hemp. Selling or including products to patients in your practice as part of treatment is OK. Selling to the general public is a commercial interest. Research involving cannabis or hemp is OK, as long as it is not funded by a commercial interest. Stock ownership, advising roles, or board participation in cannabis or hemp companies is considered a commercial interest.

2. Non-CME health professionals / patients – speakers working with cannabis patients or research who do not qualify for CME / CNE certification, but do not sell cannabis or hemp commercially. This category includes patients self-reporting case studies.

3. Commercial interests – speakers presenting research, case studies, or innovations done on behalf of cannabis or hemp companies.

Looking forward to seeing your great work up on stage!