Marijuana for Medical Professionals Conference IV November 4-6, 2022
Kelly Knupp MD

Inbal Sikorin RN

Creating a standard of treatment as head of Tikun Olam medical cannabis treatment center, providing protocols of treatment and collecting patient data.

Joseph Friedman, R.Ph

The role of pharmacists in the dispensing of medical marijuana is an emerging field. Joeseph Friedman, a practicing pharmacist and Illinois dispensary owner, discusses helping patients through a pharmacy perspective.

Moshe Ihea

Colorado has around 5.3M residents and around 115,000 registered medical marijuana patients. Israel has nearly 8M people but fewer than 20,000 medical marijuana patients. Why the difference? Mr Ihea talks about how the Israeli medical cannabis program runs, and how his dispensary in Israel helps patients and conducts research.

Alan Weisser, PhD

What is pain? Is it physical? Emotional? Psychological? How about all three? Dr Wiesser helps de-mystify pain and how cannabis can contribute to better care.

Joseph Cohen, DO

Dr Cohen practices cannabis and functional medicine in Boulder, CO. He will be speaking on integrating cannabis into the functional medicine practice.