Dr. Dhanabalan is a highly respected physician trained in Family Medicine, Occupational & Environmental Medicine, a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians and a Diplomate of American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine.She received her medical degree from the University of Medicine & Dentistry of Newark,
New Jersey, Family Practice Residency at the Medical University of South Carolina, Her Master’s in Public Health, Occupational & Environmental Medicine Residency and Fellowship in heavy metals at the Harvard School of Public Health She has received
awards from the American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine for her research project: “Occupational & Environmental Exposure to Lead in South India.” from The 7th World Ayurveda Conference & Arogya Expo for presentation “Cannabis & The Therapeutic Uses”
She practices TotalHealthCareTHC at Uplifting Health and Wellness, in Natick, Massachusetts, where she “Educates Embraces Empowers” her patients and promotes cannabis as a treatment option She is an advocate, activist and educator and speaks globally about cannabis as a plant medicine. Dr Dhanabalan states “Cannabis is not for
everyone, yet is should be a first line option not the last resort.