Michelle Newhart, PhD, and William Dolphin are the authors of The Medicalization of Marijuana: Legitimacy, Stigma, and the Patient Experience (Sept. 2018, Routledge), the first comprehensive study of what it means to participate in a state-regulated medical cannabis program. A husband-and-wife team with more than thirty-five years collective experience writing about cannabis, Newhart & Dolphin have contributed to more than two dozen books on the plant, patients, and policies.
Michelle Newhart teaches sociology and works as an instructional designer at Mt. San Antonio College in California. Previously, she taught at University of Colorado, Boulder and Ashford University. From 1999 to 2006, she was an editor for Quick American Publishing, producing many books and magazine columns on cannabis-related topics and a series on women in cannabis . She is also the coauthor of Understanding Research Methods (10th Ed.) from Routledge.
Following media relations work on the landmark federal trial of cannabis author Ed Rosenthal in 2002, William Dolphin has for 16 years contributed to the education efforts of Americans for Safe Access, including the organization’s condition-based pamphlets, policy white papers, training materials, and monthly activist newsletter. He has served on the faculty of various colleges and universities, including the University of California, Berkeley, and currently teaches at University of Redlands.